An important statistic to know how long customers visit your business!

In addition to the display of entries and exits by zones and groups, detailed graphs comparable by periods and with a weather option, the trend on the previous year immediately visible, the conversion rate data that can be activated by retailers, and the possibility of exporting data in different formats, to further complete our CheckinWeb platform has arrived the dwell time!

This new option allows you to know with immediacy the average dwell time and shopping time, i.e. the measure of actual sales opportunities, within your shopping centre or shop. A very important indicator in order to make increasingly precise and effective data-driven decisions.


What is this option for and why is it so important?

For example, it will be possible to take this data into account when analysing sales targets and compare it with previous periods or years, measuring changes in the level of satisfaction of visitors within your locations, or compare it with the receipts issued, and thus evaluate possible actions to be taken to prolong and/or optimise the customer visit.

After the recent innovation of our analytics platform, which is also available on APPs and smartphones, this further update underlines Microlog’s commitment to providing customers with as many analysis possibilities as possible. Our mission, in fact, does not end with offering reliable and high-performance people counting systems: the goal of our work is to support customers in optimising their business by reading and analysing data!

For further information on CheckinWeb or to request to activate the dwell time option, you can write to us by filling in the form on the CONTACTS page 😉