microlog people counter for events

People Counter FOR EVENTS

Limited places

The Microlog people counter is a solution that counts people entering and leaving an area in which an event is taking place, such as a concert, a show or a fair.
Knowing the number of people entered to an area is essential to comply with the limit of the number of people who can access to a specific place.
Microlog solutions can be installed in an external environment and normally without the need of infrastructures. Thus, it is possible to provide them with battery power and / or protections from vandalism and atmospheric agents. The people counter system for events can also be rented.
All the collected data are sent and stored on specific customized IT infrastructures.

Contact us to find out more


Sensor: TOF, photoelectric, thermal, stereoscopic, laser


  • How many people have already entered?
  • How many people can still enter?
  • Did your event have the feedback you expected?
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