Microlog icon passersby counter

Passersby Counter

Out but near

The Microlog passersby counter is a system that allows you to know the amount of the proximity traffic of your store, near the front window. Passersby are a big potential for a store because the goal is to turn the largest number of visitors into customers.
We implement different technologies for monitoring the passersby, according to the needs and architectural constraints of our customers.
If the in-store traffic is known (it can be determined using other systems, such as people counter and / or Wi-Fi tracking), its comparison with out-store traffic allows to obtain fundamental information about the attractiveness of the store windows. The attractiveness could be estimated in terms of capture rate (how many passersby are become customers). Analyzing the behaviour of the capture rate throught time (and expecially when the store windows is changed) it is possible to optimize the layout of the front window.
Moreover, it is possible to improve sellers management, to evaluate the effectiveness of opening hours and to find indications about the quality and potential of the location of the store, up to negotiate a more reasonable rental price.

Contact us to find out more


Sensors: : thermal, photoelectric, Wi-Fi
Main KPI: Capture rate


  • What is the number of your potential customers?
  • How attractive is your shop window?
  • What is the potential of your location?
  • Is it possible to improve your opening hours?
  • What is the number of new passersby?
  • How long do people stay in front of your shop window on average?

All retail products

icona contapersone
People Counter
icon passersby counter
Passersby Counter
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Wi-Fi Tracking
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Heat Map
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Customer satisfaction