Visitors index
Percentage change in Shopping Center visitors compared to the previous year, and trend for the current year
Thanks to Microlog counting systems, installed in more than 350 Shopping Centers and about 10,000 stores, we are able to collect a large amount of data and return very reliable trends on visitor flows.
The indexes contained in this page are processed every month, and show the percentage variation of entries compared to the previous year. We have divided the Malls by Italian Region, considering only the regions for which we can analyse a sufficient number of centers to make the sample representative.
Monthly the page will be updated with the trends of the month just passed, and with graphs showing the overall trend at national level, both in comparison with the previous year and for the current year. Through the appropriate button at the bottom of the page, it is always possible to download the pdf with the data file for the current year.
We are also working on a visitors index for Retail. In the near future this page will be enriched with the number of admissions in stores divided by main product sectors. Keep on following us! ;-)
In 2025, the indices analyse the trend in attendance over 2024. By abandoning the percentage comparison on 2019 (a year for which we only keep a graphical reference), we were able to add to the sample new important Malls that have joined us in the last two years.
National trend of current year over the previous year – FEBRUARY: -2,4% (su 2024) >>> +0.5% (on 2024 by 28 days)

YTD (Year to date) 2025/2024: -1.0%
LTM (Last twelve months) 24-25 vs 23-24: +1.7%
Regional Trend – February 2025 vs 2024 (by 28 days)
Percentage change in visitors, month over month, for the current year – national

In February, the national trend in mall entries is essentially stable, with +0.5% over 2024 (28-day comparison).
Regional analysis: comparing with 2024, the Italian regions with the most positive performance for February are Friuli V. G. (+4.2%), and Toscana (+3.8%), while the worst are Trentino A. A. (-6.9%), and Campania which mark -4.2%.
In a close comparison with the previous month, February loose -13.6% over January 2024.
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